Counseling and assessment with a psychiatrist
A psychiatrist is a licensed physician who has undergone residency in psychiatry. A psychiatrist has a medical understanding for mental diseases, neuropsychiatric disabilities, and mental and physical illnesses.
As psychiatric disorders sometimes depend on underlying physical illnesses, the psychiatrist makes an evaluation in order to exclude or confirm such conditions. Being a medical doctor, the psychiatrist has the possibility to prescribe medications.
Here are some of the services we offer:
- Counseling
- Evaluation of psychiatric conditions
e.g. ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, tics, eating disorder, sleep disorder, and suspected immunopsychiatric conditions - Medication/drug prescription
e.g. ADHD-medication, anti-depressive medication and medication för sleep regulation - Certificates
- Recommendations for further treatment and interventions
- Referrals to other specialist care units
During your first visit, you and the psychiatrist will discuss the best way forward. If you have requests for medical treatment or certificates, the psychiatrist will decide if it is applicable.
Currently, counseling and assessment with a psychiatrist is available at our clinic in Stockholm.